Sorry for the delay in posts, I've had numerous projects in my other classes due the last few days and although I've been reading the writing of these posts was delayed..
I continued my project by reading about the parts of a
Stirling Engine and what each of their functions included. For this I went to
the McMaster library to find some introductory books on Stirling Engines. While
at McMaster I borrowed a number of books, of these I’ve only had time to look
at one. The book I got the majority of my information for this post comes from STIRLING ENGINES written by Graham Reader
and Charles Hooper in the 1980s. Before explaining the parts of the Stirling
Engine I should note that there are many variations of the engine and for this
post I will be referencing to the beta-type Stirling Engine. The beta-type
Stirling Engine consists of 3 mechanical parts with an optional 4th
part that aids in efficiency which I will talk about in a later post. The
Engine is a closed regenerative cycle heat engine that requires only a
difference in temperature to create Net Work. Its’ cycle can be divided into 4
distinct phases which help show the purpose for each part. The beta-type
Stirling Engine consists of a displacer, working piston, flywheel and an
optional regenerator to increase efficiency.
The displacer is a large, loosely-fit piston within the
large cylinder of the Engine. This large cylinder contains a gas (pressurized
hydrogen and helium are optimal, however any gas can work) which is heated by
an external heat source. As the Engine completes its cycle the displacer has
two purposes; to move the gas into and out of contact with the heat source and
to provide insulation between the heat source and the cooler side of the
The working piston is the smaller piston on the Engine, and
should be snugly fit within its cylinder. Ideally, no air should be able to move
around the edges of the piston. The working piston is responsible for the
mechanical energy within the Engine. This piston responds to changes in
pressure from the heating and cooling of the concealed gas. As the pressure
increases the force exerted by the gas within the cylinder also increases. Once
the pressure becomes strong enough the gas pushes the piston upwards rotating a
flywheel. This stroke does all of the work within the engine. The remaining 3
phases put energy back into the system using some of the converted mechanical energy.
The working pistons motion results in an increase in volume and
less pressure. The flywheel continues to rotate using some of the mechanical
energy to move the displacer down blocking the gas from the heat source and
effectively cooling the gas. The cooler gas contains less pressure, resulting
in the working piston returning to its lowest position. This phase also uses
some of the mechanical energy of the flywheel. The final phase of the Engine is
the flywheel pulling the displacer upwards, allowing the gas to come in contact
with the heat source repeating the cycle again.
Understanding what each part of the Engine is and what it
does was fairly complex and required a lot of google searches and re-reading of
textbooks. Of the sources I visited there were 3 sources that proved to be the
most useful. The first of these sources was from which showed the cycle of the engine in an animated GIF and gave a very brief
explanation of the different phases of the engine. I also visited which built from the animation showed at This site also
explained the different parts of the engine in more detail. It was here where I
found the proper names for different parts. My textbook itself started more
complex and little of what I read was directly applicable to the basic
knowledge of the Engine. I also first saw a PV diagram on this website which is
explained in my next blog post.
Despite these sources the majority of my understanding came
from actually watching the Stirling Engine I have at home and comparing it to
what I was reading online and in the textbook. For some reason everything began
to “click” after touching and watching the physical engine instead of just
watching theoretical diagrams.
Animated Engines. (n.d.). Low Temperature Differential Stirling Engine. Retrieved May 27,
2014 from “Animated Engines”:
Hooper, C & Reader, T. G. (1983). STIRLING ENGINES. New York, NY: E. & F. N. Spon.
Stirling Engine. (n.d.). The
operating principles of Stirling engine. Retrieved May 28, 2014 from “Robert
Stirling Engine”:
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